
Click on the below links to read about some of my recent service and
consulting activities.
Significant Administrative Duties
Below is a description of some of my significant administrative duties.
For a complete list of my administrative services, please see my
Director, McMaster Digital Transformation Research Centre
As Director of the McMaster Digital Transformation Research Centre (MDTRC), I am accountable for the current
and long-term effectiveness of the MDTRC, including: planning, project management, coordinating with related Faculties
and Centres within and external to the University, coordinating
with business, government and other communities external to the
University, and hiring and managing employees associated with the MDTRC.
Academic Director, EMBA Program
As Academic Director of DeGroote's new EMBA Program (first cohort started in Fall 2016), I have oversight over all academic matters that pertain to the program.
Acting Director, MBA Programs
As Acting Director of our MBA Programs, I had oversight over all academic matters that pertain to DeGroote's MBA offerings (co-op, full time, part time, accelerated).
Associate Dean
(2004-2010) |
As Associate Dean, I was the primary advisor to the Dean
on all academic matters. I oversaw and managed the planning, development
and administration of all academic programs of the DeGroote
School of Business. A major responsibility of this position
was to provide overall leadership in the execution of the strategic
priorities of the School with regard to academic programs (degree
and non-degree), faculty research/scholarship and international
Director, McMaster eBusiness Research Centre
(2002-2005) |
As Director of the McMaster
eBusiness Research Centre (MeRC) I was accountable for the current
and long-term effectiveness of MeRC, including: planning, budgeting,
accounting, project management, coordinating with related Faculties
and Centres within and external to the University, coordinating
with business, government and other communities external to the
University, and hiring and managing employees associated with MeRC.
Co-Chair, DeGroote Strategic Planning Taskforce
(2004) |
I co-chaired a Strategic Taskforce at the DeGroote
School of Business, bringing together a diverse group of faculty,
staff, students and business leaders to develop a bold and innovative
Strategic Priorities and Action Plan.
Director, McMaster eCase Comptition
(2001-2004) |
I was a Director (with Dr. Khaled Hassanein)
of the highly successful McMaster
eCase Competition. The event brought the brightest MBA student
teams from across the country to McMaster to compete in an innovative
and intensive competition, where they provided a detailed analysis
and recommendation plan for a real world business challenge.
Director/Chair, World Congress on the Management of
(1999-2007) |
The McMaster
World Congress offered academics and corporate leaders a unique
environment to share and learn from each other’s experiences
and research in new eBusiness approaches. I was the Faculty
Director of its eBusiness arm, since its inaugural event. The World Congress on the Management of eBusiness 'hit the road' during its last couple of years,
with its 2006 event
held in Halifax (where I was Program Chair) and its 2007
event held in Toronto (where I was Conference Co-Chair).
Director, eBusiness Stream
(2001-2002) |
I spearheaded the successful ATOP application that
initiated the electronic business (eBusiness) specialization in the
MBA program. As such, the DeGroote School of Business became the first
univsersity in Ontario and the second in the country to offer an eBusiness
specialization in an MBA program. I became the first Director of this
eBusiness program. |

Editorial Work
Editorial Boards:
- International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology, Editorial Board Member
- Information & Management (I&M), Member of the Board of Editors
- AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (AIS THCI), Editorial Board Member
- Electronic Markets (EM), Editorial Board Member
- International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB), Editorial
Board Member
- Managing Service Quality (MSQ), Editorial Advisory Board
- International Journal of Technology Marketing (IJTMKT), Editorial
Board Member

Professional Organization Membership
- Member of AIS (Association for Information Systems)
- Member of AIS SIGHCI (Special Interest Group in Human-Computer Interaction)
- Senior Member of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
- Member of ACM SIGECOM (Special Interest Group in Electronic Commerce)
- Member of ACM SIGCHI (Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction)
- Member of ASAC (Administrative Sciences Association of Canada)
- Member of IRMA (Information Resources Management Association)
- Honorary Member, International Council of E-Commerce Consultants

Student Case Competitions
In 2000, I started to champion the importance of using various business
case competitions to challenge and inspire excellence from students. I
became heavily involved in training student teams to compete at various
national and international competitions. In 2011, I introduced a new course in the MBA program (D700 Case Analyses and Presentations), which became the training ground for all DeGroote MBA teams competing at national and international case competitions. Over the years, these teams have
achieved a great deal of recognition and respect from competing schools,
academic and industry judges.
Case Competition Coaching:
- 2022 SFU Net Impact Sustainability Challenge (placed first)
- 2022 McGill Innovation Retail Challenge (placed second)
- 2022 HEC CSR Case Competition
- 2022 MBA Games (placed second)
- 2022 John Molson International Case Competition (won 2 of the 5 cases)
- 2021 Ethics-in-Action Case Competition (placed first)
- 2021 SFU Net Impact Sustainability Challenge (semi-finalists)
- 2021 HEC CSR Case Competition (placed second)
- 2021 Telfer Diversity & Inclusion Case Competition (placed third)
- 2021 MBA Games (placed first in marketing case competition; third overall)
- 2020 East Meets West Case Competition (placed first)
- 2020 Telfer Diversity & Inclusion Case Competition (placed third)
- 2020 MBA Games (placed first in academics and overall)
- 2020 John Molson International Case Competition (Division Champions and Team Spirit Award recipients)
- 2019 Ethics-in-Action Case Competition (placed third)
- 2019 MLSE Case Competition (placed first)
- 2019 Simplii Financial Case Competition
- 2019 Telfer Diversity & Inclusion Case Competition (placed fourth)
- 2019 East Meets West Case Competition
- 2019 John Molson International Case Competition (placed third)
- 2019 MBA Games (placed first in academics and overall)
- 2018 Ethics-in-Action Case Competition
- 2018 Haskayne 24-Hour MBA Case Competition
- 2018 East Meets West Case Competition
- 2018 John Molson International Case Competition (won 3 out of 5 cases)
- 2018 MBA Games
- 2017 Ethics-in-Action Case Competition (placed first)
- 2017 Haskayne 24-Hour MBA Case Competition
- 2017 East Meets West Case Competition
- 2017 University of Colorado Net Impact Case Competition (placed third)
- 2017 MBA Games (placed fourth overall)
- 2017 John Molson International Case Competition (division winner; semi-finalist; 3rd overall in points)
- 2016 Ethics-in-Action Case Competition (placed second)
- 2016 International Business Ethics Case Competition (2 first place finishes)
- 2016 Telfer Diversity & Inclusion MBA Case Competition (placed third)
- 2016 East Meets West Case Competition (placed first)
- 2016 John Molson International Case Competition (semi-finalist; 5th overall)
- 2016 MBA Games (placed first overall; 2 first place/1second place/1 third place finishes for case competitions)
- 2015 Ethics-in-Action Case Competition (placed second)
- 2015 MBA Games (placed third overall)
- 2015 John Molson International Case Competition (won 3 out of 5 cases and social media contest)
- 2015 Ivey Leadership Case Competition
- 2015 Haskayne 24-Hour MBA Case Competition
- 2015 International Business Ethics Case Competition (3 first place finishes; win in each competition event)
- 2014 MBA Games (placed first overall)
- 2014 John Molson International Case Competition
- 2014 Rotman CSR Competition
- 2013 National Capital Cup Case Competition (placed first)
- 2013 Van Berkom JMSB Case Competition
- 2013 HEC Sustainability Challenge Case Competition
- 2013 Haskayne 24-Hour MBA Case Competition (recipient Telus Spirit Award)
- 2013 John Molson International Case Competition (placed third)
- 2012 FEI (Finance Executives International) Case Competition (placed fourth)
- 2012 HEC Sustainability Challenge Case Competition
- 2012 Haskayne 24-Hour MBA Case Competition (placed third)
- 2012 John Molson International MBA Case Competition
- 2012 MBA Games (placed first)
- 2011 Tata Cup Case Competition
- 2003 eCase@Mac Competition (placed first and third)
- 2002 UNBSJ eCommerce Case Competition (placed third)
- 2002 eCase@Mac Competition (placed second)
- 2002 MBA Games Competition (placed first)
- 2001 UNBSJ eCommerce Case Competition (placed second)
Consulting Work
Since 1998, I have been actively consulting in the following areas:
- Electronic business
- Business case analysis
- Web-site engineering and usability assessment
